Hexcrawl Procedures

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  1. Move to new hex: Guide makes a successful Survival roll, or suffer mishap.
  2. Roll for encounter/feature (d20). PC makes Keep Watch roll to see it first.
    1-3 Roll on FbL encounter chart (DMG, pg 147)
    4-5 Discovery (Perilous Wilds, pg 44)
    6-7 Danger (Perilous Wilds, pg 48)
    8-9 Ruins & Relics table (Wilderness Exploration, R&R-1)
          Roll for Danger, 1 in 8 chance
    10-20 No Encounter

Every night, during Sleep, 1 on d10 is a Danger (Perilous Wilds, pg 48)

Perilous Wilds: on Discovery chart, if a Steading is rolled, go to (d12: 1-7 Village, 8-12 Castle) in FbL DMG pg 168)

Perilous Wilds: on Structure result, use optional details from FbL DMG pg 172

Perilous Wilds: for Creature: Monster entry, roll 1d12: 1-6, use their charts, 7-12 use FbL monster (DMG pg 74)

Chance (d20) Conditions Visibility
1-10 None Good
11-15 Moderate 2-3 miles
16-18 Bad .5-2 miles
19-20 Severe* .1 to .5 miles
D12 Adventure Site D12 Adventure Site
1-7 Village 8-12 Castle
D# Original Purpose D# Who Built It
# Temple # Natural
# Stronghold # Elves/Dwarves
# Living Area # Orcs/Bandits
# Hiding Place # Priest/Cult
# Mine # Sorcerer
# Prison # Noble/Warrior
# Tomb # Demon
D% Monster D% Monster
#-# Strangling Vine #-# Abyss Worm