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Aliases City of the Rose
Region Varcia, Western Estora
Demonym Portarosan, 'Rosan
Races Humans, Elves, Half-elves
Religion Almyra, Avaridon, Ceilaesa,
Imelyen, Iriden, Mordherus,
Quelana, Tholsir, Vaelaren
Mother Gaelena
Alignments All
Gov't Type Monarchy
Ruler Queen Tatiana Castevel
Resources Alcohol, Armor/Weapons,
Books/Lore, Fruits,
Jewelry/Jems, Lumber,
Luxury Goods and Art,
Olive Oil, Salt, Seafood,
The Adventurer's Society
The Knights of the Rose
The Seekers




Geographical Features


Law & Order

The law of Portarosa is enforced by the Captain of the Guard and all guards in the service of the city. In special circumstances, such as in times of war, the Knights of the Rose will impose martial law and are immediately recognized as the direct command for all guards within the city. Whenever a person has been convicted of a crime, they are brought before a judge who will determine the sentencing. During such time, the accused may employ the services of a defense attorney and bring with them any witnesses to speak on behalf of the defense.

Special Circumstances
At their discretion, and under specific circumstances, a judge may elect to ignore the recommended punishment for any given crime. For any crimes classified as Class 1, 2, or 3, the judge may opt to offer the accused a choice of punishment or the acceptance of some service. Such services may involve joining the armed forces, undertaking a difficult task for the greater good of Varcia, and so on.
When given written permission from the Queen, a judge may offer special service as an alternative option to a criminal convicted of any crime, up to a Class 7.

Repeat Offenders
Typically repeat offenders of any crimes from a Class 1 to Class 3 will receive more severe sentencing with each successive infraction.

Justified Crimes
Any person charged with a crime may be acquitted of it, regardless of the severity, provided they can prove to the satisfaction of the court that the crime was justified.

Trials for Nobility
Any trial for a suspected lord to be the accused, requires a jury of peers make the determination of guilt or innocence. Nobles of the Lord/Lady title or above will sit as judgment. Trials of a suspected Knight or higher status requires that the judge be of equal status to the accused. Finally, if a Baron is to be tried, the Duke or Duchess must sit as judge, and the jury must consist of no less than thirteen jurors of knight or higher status.

Crime & Offenses

Actions and offenses which are recognized as criminal activity are broken down into several classes of crime.

Attacking another person with intent to injure is a crime. Interpreted by three classifications; Unarmed Assault, Armed Assault-Lesser, Armed Assault-Greater.

  • Unarmed Assault: Attacking someone with your fists or appendage without the use of a weapon. This is recognized as a Class 1 crime.
  • Armed Assault-Lesser: Attacking someone with improvised weapons such as benches, bottles, etc. This is recognized as a Class 2 crime.
  • Armed Assault-Greater: Attacking someone with a deadly weapon or with magic. This is recognized as a Class 4 crime.

Endangerment is classified as deliberately exposing someone to danger. This crime is only charged to the accused when the victim was in danger of losing their life. This crime includes inciting a crowd to riot or panic. This is recognized as a Class 4 crime.

Any attempt to escape, evade, or otherwise flee from authorities in order to escape the consequence(s) of a crime is recognized as a Class 3 crime.

The wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.

Attempting to deliberately take the life of another person. Portarosa breaks down murder into five distinct classifications; Accidental Murder, Attempted Murder (Spontaneous), Attempted Murder (Deliberate), Murder (Spontaneous), and Murder (Deliberate). Accidental Murder is any death which has been brought about by a character's exceptional carelessness or stupidity. Spontaneous Murder means that the character suddenly decided to kill. Finally, Deliberate means that the character planned the death.

  • Accidental Murder is recognized as a Class 4 crime.
  • Attempted Murder (Spontaneous) is recognized as a Class 5 crime.
  • Attempted Murder (Deliberate) is recognized as a Class 6 crime.
  • Murder (Spontaneous) is recognized as a Class 6 crime.
  • Murder (Deliberate) is recognized as a Class 7 crime.

Any efforts to deliberately spread rumors which may or are detrimental to the reputation of the affected person(s). The prosecution must prove that the rumors are false, caused significant damage to the reputation to the victim(s), and caused harm to their health or fortune. This is recognized as a Class 3 crime.

Tax Avoidance
Any falsification of the reported income in order to lessen one's taxes. Paying less tax than required by law is a crime. Refusing to pay required taxes is a crime. Tax avoidance is considered Theft.

The deliberate theft of money or goods from another person(s). The degree is relative to the value of goods stolen.

  • Less than 10gp stolen is recognized as a Class 1 crime.
  • 11gp to 100gp stolen is recognized as a Class 2 crime.
  • 101gp to 1,000gp stolen is recognized as a Class 3 crime.
  • 1,001gp to 10,000gp stolen is recognized as a Class 4 crime.
  • 10,001gp or Greater stolen is recognized as a Class 5 crime.

Betrayal of state secrets to any foreign power, the assault against any member of the Royal Family, disobedience of a direct command from the Duke or Duchess, mutiny, and disobedience by any military personnel of a direct order are recognized as Treason. Most instances of treason are recognized as Class 7 crimes. However, mutiny and disobedience of orders in peace time are recognized as lesser offenses, designated Class 6.

Classes of Punishment

Type of Crime Recommended types of Punishment
Class 1 Fine: 1d6 gp /or/ Jail: 1 Day /or/ Both
Class 2 Fine: 10d6 gp /or/ Jail: 1d6 Weeks /or/ Both
Class 3 Fine: 100x1d6 gp /or/ Jail: 1d6 Months /or/ Both
Class 4 Fine: 1,000x1d6 gp /or/ Jail: 1d6 Years /or/ Both
Class 5 Fine: 5,000x1d6 gp /or/ Jail: 1d6 Years /or/ Both
Class 6 Fine: 10,000x1d6 gp /or/ Jail: 5x1d6 Years /or/ Both /or/ Death
Class 7 Death





Festivals & Holidays




Notable Locations

Religious Sites

  • Temple Shrine
  • Temple Shrine #2
  • Massive Tree
  • Ornate Temple


  • Woodcarver, copper, bowyer (x2)
  • Wagon-makers + wheelwrights
  • Tinkers, pewterers, and casters
  • Masons & Stonecutters
  • Leatherworkers, Skinners and tanners
  • Cooks & Bakers
  • Cartographers, surveyors and chart-makers
  • Brewers, distillers, and vintners
  • Smiths and metal forgers
  • Armorers, locksmiths and finesmiths

Specialty Shops

  • Tattoo Artist
    • Délia; 24 F;
  • Necromancer
    • Demir; 43 M;
  • Trinket Collector
    • Enio; 67 M;
    • Fabiana; 22 F;
  • Theater
    • Teatro del Río; Located on the river-side in the city's heart.
  • Musician/Luthier
    • Virgílio; 34 M; A bard of renown who retired early in his career due to a tragic injury. He is now known for his masterwork instruments.




