DM Log

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A general log of my DM notes and to-dos.

Content to Build


Fill out information about and on:

  • Imelyen
  • Almyra
  • Asmodeus
  • Astraylyn
  • Avaridon
  • Ceilaesa
  • Dionys
  • Ecliptia
  • Iriden
  • Kreshigal
  • Lunarael
  • Miralith
  • Mother Gaelena
  • Nareshka
  • Quelana
  • Solvain
  • Valandor
  • Vorakar


  • The Adventurer's Society
  • The Huntsmen
  • Manus Umbra
  • The Knights of the Rose
  • Ordem Imelexius
  • The Seekers