Origin Generator

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d100 Parents
01-95 You know who your parents are or were.
96-100 You do not know who your parents were.

Half-Elf Parents

d8 Parents
1-5 One parent was an elf and the other was a human.
6 One parent was an elf and the other was a half-elf.
7 One parent was a human and the other was a half-elf.
8 Both parents were half-elves.


d100 Location d100 Location
01-50 Home 83-84 Castle, keep, tower, or palace
51-55 Home of a family friend 85 Sewer or rubbish heap
56-63 Home of a healer or midwife 86-88 Among people of a different race
64-65 Carriage, cart, or wagon 89-91 On board a boat or a ship
66-68 Barn, shed, or other outbuilding 92-93 In a prison or in the headquarters of a secret organization
69-70 Cave 94-95 In a sage's laboratory
71-72 Field 96 In the Feywild
73-74 Forest 97 In the Shadowfell
75-77 Temple 98-100 Re-roll
78 Battlefield
79-80 Alley or street
81-82 Brothel, tavern, or inn


d10 Siblings Non-Humans
2 or lower None Elves can have up to two (2) siblings, max.
3-4 1d3
5-6 1d4 + 1
7-8 1d6 + 2
9-10 1d8 + 3

Birth Order

2d6 Birth Order
2 Twin, triplet, or quadruplet
3-7 Older
8-12 Younger

Family & Friends

d100 Family
01 None
02 Institution, such as an asylum
03 Temple
04-05 Orphanage
06-07 Guardian
08-15 Paternal or maternal aunt,uncle, or both; or extended
family such as a tribe or clan
16-25 Paternal or maternal grandparent(s)
26-35 Adoptive family (same or different race)
36-55 Single father or stepfather
56-75 Single mother or stepmother
76-100 Mother and father

Absent Parent

d4 Fate
1 Your parent died
2 Your parent was imprisoned, enslaved, or otherwise taken away
3 Your parent abandoned you
4 Your parent disappeared to an unknown fate

Family Lifestyle

3d6 Lifestyle
3 Wretched
4-5 Squalid
6-8 Poor
9-12 Modest
13-15 Comfortable
16-17 Wealthy
18 Aristocratic

Life Events

After determining how you grew up, you get to find out what's happened over the course of your life. For every full 10 years you've been alive, roll 1d10 on the table below to determine what the most important event of that decade was.

d10 Event
1-4 Fortune or misfortune
5-7 Allies and enemies
8-10 Romance