Origin Generator

From World of Agrimoor
Revision as of 09:16, 12 August 2023 by MelioraHenning (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Parents== {| class="wikitable" |- ! d100 !! Parents |- | 01-95 || You know who your parents are or were. |- | 96-100 || You do not know who your parents were. |} ===Half-Elf Parents=== {| class="wikitable" |- ! d8 !! Parents |- | 1-5 || One parent was an elf and the other was a human. |- | 6 || One parent was an elf and the other was a half-elf. |- | 7 || One parent was a human and the other was a half-elf. |- | 8 || Both parents were half-elves. |} ==Birthplace==...")
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d100 Parents
01-95 You know who your parents are or were.
96-100 You do not know who your parents were.

Half-Elf Parents

d8 Parents
1-5 One parent was an elf and the other was a human.
6 One parent was an elf and the other was a half-elf.
7 One parent was a human and the other was a half-elf.
8 Both parents were half-elves.


d100 Location d100 Location
01-50 Home 83-84 Castle, keep, tower, or palace
51-55 Home of a family friend 85 Sewer or rubbish heap
56-63 Home of a healer or midwife 86-88 Among people of a different race
64-65 Carriage, cart, or wagon 89-91 On board a boat or a ship
66-68 Barn, shed, or other outbuilding 92-93 In a prison or in the headquarters of a secret organization
69-70 Cave 94-95 In a sage's laboratory
71-72 Field 96 In the Feywild
73-74 Forest 97 In the Shadowfell
75-77 Temple 98-100 Re-roll
78 Battlefield
79-80 Alley or street
81-82 Brothel, tavern, or inn


d10 Siblings
2 or lower None
3-4 1d3
5-6 1d4 + 1
7-8 1d6 + 2
9-10 1d8 + 3

Birth Order

2d6 Birth Order
2 Twin, triplet, or quadruplet
3-7 Older
8-12 Younger

Family & Friends

d100 Family
01 None
02 Institution, such as an asylum
03 Temple
04-05 Orphanage
06-07 Guardian
08-15 Paternal or maternal aunt,uncle, or both; or extended
family such as a tribe or clan
16-25 Paternal or maternal grandparent(s)
26-35 Adoptive family (same or different race)
36-55 Single father or stepfather
56-75 Single mother or stepmother
76-100 Mother and father

Absent Parent

d4 Fate
1 Your parent died
2 Your parent was imprisoned, enslaved, or otherwise taken away
3 Your parent abandoned you
4 Your parent disappeared to an unknown fate

Family Lifestyle

3d6 Lifestyle
3 Wretched
4-5 Squalid
6-8 Poor
9-12 Modest
13-15 Comfortable
16-17 Wealthy