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== Description ==
== Description ==
While most elves share common traits, there are a few that differentiate each of the sub races. High elves and half elves tend to be fair and beautiful by human standards, although often frail. Meanwhile, sylvan elves are more toned, with their muscle definition well-defined and eyes near-hauntingly angled. All elves have long pointed ears.

== Personality ==
== Personality ==
While true that elves are possessed by a desire for freedom, they are a very close-knit people. Once you make a friend of an elf, you have made a friend for life, one with whom you may share your deepest secrets in full trust. Typically gentle and helpful, deeply in-tune with the environment and emotions of others.
Their deep emotional awareness can also make elves particularly sadistic in the art of torture.
Elves tend not to be overly rushed and are happy to go with the flow.

== Abilities ==
== Abilities ==

Revision as of 18:07, 16 August 2023

Size Medium
Type Humanoid
Tag Elf
Alignment Typically Chaotic
General Information
Patron Deity Mother Gaelena
Vision Twilight Vision
Average Lifespan 300 - 350 years
Homeland(s) [Mystery Plane]
The Material Plane
Language(s) Common, Elvish,
regional languages
Subraces High elf
Shadow elf
Sylvan elf
Skin Color(s) Pale to dark brown
plus shades of copper,
and bluish-pale white
Hair Color(s) Red, blond, brown,
Eye Color(s) Blue, brown, gray,
green, hazel, silver
Distinctions Tall, slender, long
pointed ears, little to
no body hair

Sizes (Male)
Average Height 5'4" - 6'3"
Average Weight 115 lbs - 200 lbs

Sizes (Female)
Average Height 5'7" - 6'9"
Average Weight 124 lbs - 210 lbs

Based on Elves, Divinity
Shadow Elves, Mystara

Elves are the oldest, longest-lived race on Ardûs.


While most elves share common traits, there are a few that differentiate each of the sub races. High elves and half elves tend to be fair and beautiful by human standards, although often frail. Meanwhile, sylvan elves are more toned, with their muscle definition well-defined and eyes near-hauntingly angled. All elves have long pointed ears.


While true that elves are possessed by a desire for freedom, they are a very close-knit people. Once you make a friend of an elf, you have made a friend for life, one with whom you may share your deepest secrets in full trust. Typically gentle and helpful, deeply in-tune with the environment and emotions of others.

Their deep emotional awareness can also make elves particularly sadistic in the art of torture.

Elves tend not to be overly rushed and are happy to go with the flow.



Elves are typically long-lived, reaching adulthood around 54 years of age and living up to 350 years, and in some cases a few years thereafter. Most elves do not display obvious changes due to aging until within the last 50 years of their lives. These changes usually manifest in the loss of hair pigmentation and slight muscle atrophy.

Elves are typically long-lived, reaching adulthood around 110 years of age and capable of living up to 700 years or longer. Universally, elves do not ever reach past the age of 900 years. Their slow aging is thanks to their connection with a Mother Tree. Which forms a psychic, symbiotic bond with each elf born within its domain. At the core of each Mother Tree is a beating heart which pumps the blood of the mother throughout its domain, blessing the area with aspects of the Wylderwood.

Any elf who leaves the clan, breaking this bond with their Mother Tree, or any elf born without receiving this gift loses their prolonged life, with an average maximum being reduced to 350 years.


Unlike other settings, the elves of Ardûs cannot enter a trance in order to gain the effects of a restful sleep. They are still however resistant to effects such as sleep, which is due to their fey nature.


Elves trend toward freedom and chaotic alignments. Often viewing civilized law to be far too restrictive and antithetical to a natural way of life, in balance with nature. Being emotionally driven, this mindset can draw ire from civilized societies whenever an elf tries to challenge the status quo.

Elven societies tend to be less structured, with each clan following the authority of an appointed Treespeaker, whose role is to consult with the will of their clan's Mother Tree. However, elves who do choose to integrated with other societies tend to do so with relative ease, provided they do not feel too restricted by the local laws and customs.

Among the elves who take to becoming adventurer's are many reasons not unlike that of any other race. Boredom, wanderlust, a desire to help others and benefit societies are the most common reasons. Of course, revenge and hate are equally motivational.

Elves do not make efforts to distinguish between male and female and do not discriminate gender. All are treated equally. If an elf struggles with a task or duty, others will aid their kin until improvements are naturally acquired or that elf is reassigned to a more fitting task. Those who can, do. Those who can not, do not. This cultural affectation is most common among an elf (or elves) who were raised in a community of their kin.


Elves are private people, keeping their secrets close to the chest, shared only among their clans. Many outside of elven-kind will find difficulty forming deep friendships with elves. Being so deeply attuned to the environment and emotions, elves who spend their lives among people who are not so lucky to be as long-lived often become morose.





There are four known elven sub-races.

  • High Elves: Elves who are most common among civilized societies.
  • Shadow Elves: A pale-skinned sub race of elves that live beneath surface of Ardûs.
  • Sylvan Elves: Woodland-dwelling elves, the most secretive and violently protective of their homes and clans.
  • Half-Elves: The offspring of a human and elf.



