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Not much of Vaelaren is known as all information is speculative or hearsay from those who have undergone a near death experience. As a neutral-aligned god of death, Vaelaren is assumed to be on good terms with all deities. Vaelaren takes no allies. The gods fear and respect Vaelaren - though that does not mean an enterprising deity may not attempt to slip past a few crimes against the God of Death. Mortals generally have either positive or neutral opinions about Vaelaren.


Revision as of 18:11, 15 August 2023

Agrimoor Deity
The holy symbol of Vaelaren.

Titles God of Death
La Muerte
The Pale Angel
The Reaper
The Veiled Angel
Home Plane The Void
Power Level Greater
Gender N/A
Alignment Neutral
Domains Birth, Death, Fate

Deities portal

Vaelaren (PRONOUNCED: /vayl-ɑr-in/) has long existed before the first thought came into being. Waiting deep in The Void, Vaelaren has no beginning and no end. Those who lay upon the precipice of the land of the dead describe being visited by a beautiful angel with a veiled face, who had come as a peaceful guide, ensuring each soul is sent to the correct plane in the afterlife. Vaelaren is the hub of the wheel between life and death, the final arbiter of fate, able to see every event between the birth and death of the universe. Although feared and respected by mortals and gods alike, Vaelaren is truly neutral, dealing out each judgment with compassion.


Lorem ipsum blah blah stuff and things.


Not much of Vaelaren is known as all information is speculative or hearsay from those who have undergone a near death experience. As a neutral-aligned god of death, Vaelaren is assumed to be on good terms with all deities. Vaelaren takes no allies. The gods fear and respect Vaelaren - though that does not mean an enterprising deity may not attempt to slip past a few crimes against the God of Death. Mortals generally have either positive or neutral opinions about Vaelaren.


Vaelaren's home, The Void, is a vast plane of peaceful nothingness. A singularity in the center of reality. The Void is from where all life came and where it shall all return. Although, Vaelaren can reshape this plane to appear and be in any way that is desired. Some scholars believe that The Void neighbors the Vale of Shadows, while others believe The Void to be Hell itself. Ultimately, no-one agrees and none have ever returned with that information.


Clergy of the Veil, as they are known, maintain many duties across the world. Tasking themselves with providing a proper burial for those who died and received none. To undertake the last wishes of the dying, that their soul may pass on in peace. And the most important duty of all, the destruction of undeath. The elite priests (specialty priests, clerics, and paladins) are known as Vaelatus (pl. Vaelatum). Servants of Vaelaren are typically clad in gray vestments and brandish a mace.


Pathfinder 2e Stats

Vaelaren's statistic for Pathfinder 2e.

Edicts Destroy undead, lay bodies to rest
Anathema Create undead, desecrate a corpse, rob a tomb
Areas of Concern Birth, death, fate, prophecy, and time
Follower Alignments NG, LN, N

Divine Ability Constitution or Wisdom
Divine Font heal
Divine Skill Medicine
Favored Weapon
Domains Death, fate, healing, knowledge
Alt Domains Soul, time, vigil
Cleric Spells 1st: mindlink, 3rd: ghostly weapon, 4th: phantasmal killer